Best Prison Books Movies

Friday, September 4, 2009

Twitter War Demi Moore Vs Perez Hilton Photos

Twitter suddenly became an angry place yesterday as Demi Moore accused Perez Hilton of posting photos of her daughter Tallulah in which she compared to child pornography. The photos were not on Perez site but he did link to them in which Tallulah is shown wearing a wide open style shirt and a pair of shorts.

The accusations from Demi include "Clearly Perez Hilton isn't taking violating child pornography laws very seriously. He might not but there are a lot of people who do! Anyone who advertises follows or supports Perez supports violating child pornography laws!" To which Hilton fired back "Thanks for drawing MORE attention to your daughter's behaviour and your parenting skills (or lack thereof). U r (sic) real smart! "That is CLEARLY not child porn. And I didn't even post those on my site! I would not let my 15 year old daughter dress like that under ANY context. You are delusional and slightly senile!"

It is going to be interesting to see where this twitter war ends as neither party is known for backing off.

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